A color study: fungus…and some seeds


Happy New Year! I apologize for my break in posts. The past couple months have been filled with numerous birthdays, the birth of my first niece (!), my sister’s wedding, relatives visiting from Holland, sickness, George going on a nap strike (when I would write most of my posts), a couple personal projects I hope to share in due time, and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. But, now I am back and hoping to get back into the swing of writing!

This project, learning experience, is fun and easy. Continue reading

Nature Nature Walk Walk Walk

We have been taking many nature walks this Autumn. Some are with the whole family, some are with me and the boys, and some special ones for just George and me while Arthur’s curiosity and wonder is being fueled by school. Continue reading

Summer Nature Walk

Those of you who remember our Looking for Spring nature walk, know how much we love exploring at the New Canaan Nature Center. It is one of our ‘goto’ places when the weather is warm, or cold, and if we need to fill a couple of hours or even just 1/2 of one. We love it. So, this morning since the weather was delightful and Arthur had been requesting a walk at the Nature Center, off we went to look for signs of Summer. Continue reading