You Rock Valentine

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Even though Valentine’s Day was a couple of weeks ago, I thought I would share what the boys made for their classes. This was a multi step, multi day project, which was nice, but required some planning. We first spent time collecting smooth, flatish rocks from our local beach. Continue reading

Animal Canvases For Father’s Day

With Father’s Day past, I can now show how we spent another busy day(s) making gifts. I had some grand plans for a much larger project (which I will explain later), however, we just plain ran out of time! The first step was to repeat our successful animal stencil project (remember how I mentioned I had plans for something else- well this is it!). Since we had already experimented with watercolors and the dot markers, I knew that the dot markers was the way I wanted to go with this one. Continue reading

Making Valentines

For Valentine’s Day we set upon the task of making Valentines to send to family and for Arthur to bring to school. With so many options out there, I got excited about the prospect of having our house decorated to the nines for Valentines Day! However, like when looking at new food recipes, I have a tendency to want to make them all…and all at once. I am working on that. So for family Valentines, I reverted back to an all time favorite craft project… Continue reading